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» » 6 Kode Rahasia Android Yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui

6 Kode Rahasia Android Yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui

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6 Kode Rahasia Android Yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui

Blog K-J - Seperti yang sudah kamu ketahui, hampir seluruh ponsel yang ada memiliki fitur atau kode rahasia yang dapat digunakan untuk mengakses sebuah informasi.

Lewat deretan kode kombinasi angka dan tanda bintang/pagar yang tepat, kamu pun dapat melihat mengecek keaslian sebuah ponsel Android, kualitas audio, kualitas layar sentuh, dan lain sebagainya.

Sebuah cara yang cepat, mudah, dan efisien bagi kamu yang ingin membeli smartphone Android baru, atau hanya sekedar ingin mengetahui kinerja baterai dan hardware di smartphone.

Tanpa panjang lebar, berikut adalah kode-kode rahasia Android yang dapat kami bagikan :

1). *#0*#

Kamu bisa mengetes kinerja layar, respon layar sentuh, kamera utama, mode getar, speaker, kamera depan, receiver, dan lain-lain. Ingat, kode ini hanya berfungsi untuk ponsel Android buatan Samsung dengan tipe-tipe tertentu.

2). *#06#

Kode ini dapat kamu gunakan untuk mengecek nomor IMEI smartphone kamu. Kode ini sangat berguna ketika kamu ingin membeli ponsel baru ataupun seken.

3). *#*#4636#*#*

Ini merupakan kode paling sering dan umum digunakan pengguna smartphone Android. Dengan kode ini, kamu bisa memunculkan beberapa informasi, mulai dari nomor IMEI, status jaringan, dan masih banyak lagi.

4). *#*#2664#*#*

Kemampuan layar sentuh di Android bermasalah? Jika iya maka kamu bisa gunakan kode ini untuk mengeceknya, dan tekan semua sisi layar smartphone.

5). *#*#34971539#*#*

Rahasia umum, kamera merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dan paling banyak digunakan oleh pengguna Android. Dengan kode di atas, kamu bisa mengecek kualitas dan kondisi kamera ponsel.

6). *#*#232331#*#*

Dengan kode ini, kamu dapat mengetahui kekuatan Bluetooth di smartphone masih berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak.

Sekadar informasi, beberapa vendor smartphone memiliki kode rahasia mereka tersendiri untuk menguji kemampuan hardware mereka. Karena itu, jangan khawatir bila kode-kode di atas tidak dapat berfungsi.

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Judul 6 Kode Rahasia Android Yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui
Author Ditulis Oleh : Blog K-J 2017-01-09 17:25:56
Rating 3 / 5
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2018-07-25 15:07:51

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2018-07-30 20:37:52

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2018-07-31 13:48:22

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- Technotrans The ideal genre for those who want to abandon everyone and everything. In this case, the presence of words or any sense It does not matter much for these genres. Rhythm and extraordinary sound are the basis of music in the technotrans style. Listening to similar ones songs, you seem to be falling

All of the above, this is only a small part of the genres that we are ready to bring to your attention! The above genres are not all the music directions that can be found on our website. We constantly work on improving the created service and add to it more and more new and new directions, enjoying great popularity among music lovers.

If you visit our site, then make sure that we offer the widest possible library, as well as a convenient search for tracks, besides, you can download the songs you like to your device for free and without re gistrations - these features favorably distinguish our resource from similar music portals.

2018-07-31 23:38:18

Сон является неотъемлемой и важной частью жизни любого человека, однако далеко не все из нас уделяют своей трети жизни должное внимание. В результате человек может многие потерять - как правило, организм не восстанавливает силы и работает наизнос, кроме того, могут появиться и проблемы психологического характера. Осознанные сны - это сила, которой нужно умело пользоваться!

О том, что осознанные сновидения воздействуют на жизнь, человечество знает еще с античных времен. Однако и по сей день наука недостаточно изучила данное явление и ей на помощь пришел технический прогресс - прибор "DreamTrainer", с которым вы откроете поистине новые возможности, реализуется у нас по доступной цене. Купить его вы можете уже сегодня - для оформления заказа, позвоните нашим менеджерам или напишите в онлайн - чат на сайте.

Осознанные сновидения - особое состояние во время сна, когда Вы можете точно определить, что спите,в то же время, Вы сможете повернуть сюжет сновидения в нужное Вам русло. Использование нашего уникального прибора, а также осознанный сон позволяют:

- реализовать любые свои фантазии, включая сексуальные;
- почувствовать влияние внешних факторов;
- решить свою психологические проблемы, в том числе, побороть фобии, которые заставляют Вас переживать неописуемый ужас;
- творческие люди смогут почерпнуть вдохновение, раскрыв свою внутренний мир и детально углубившись в самосознание.

Пользуясь прибором, вы сможете в любой момент времени осознать, что это сон, открывающий перед вами безграничные возможности.

О том, чтобы научиться контролировать свой сон, мечтают многие люди. Вы имеете возможность реализовать мечту уже сегодня, приобретя специальный прибор "DreamTrainer". Вы быстро научитесь входить в состояние осознанных сновидений и проверить реальность и решить многие проблемы. Стоимость прибора доступна всем, а суть его работы состоит в том, чтобы выполнять тренировку сознания с помощью специальных световых индикаторов. Проверка реальности поможет Вам осознать, в каком состоянии Вы сейчас пребываете - во сне или в реальной жизни. Специальный акселерометр, который входит в состав прибора, предназначен для распознавания любых изменений положения т

2018-08-01 09:44:26

Tired of using questionable programs to listen to and download your favorite music? Pay attention to our Internet - a resource where a huge number of audio recordings are collected, which can be accessed by anyone without registering on the site. You can get acquainted with the features of the music service right now by clicking on the link / to learn more about the proposed resource, use the link

Our advantages:

- Simple and convenient functionality./ Clear and simple interface. No extra information on the site in the form of advertising you will not find. Our experts have placed on the site a player that allows you to listen to music without restrictions, there are also special filters that allow you to quickly find the song you are interested in.

- No advertising. Often on such resources you can find advertising banners that distract from listening to music. Many users are greatly inconvenienced by them./ Agree, it is not very convenient to repeatedly close pop-up ads. Our portal is ready to provide you with a great alternative to the famous music portals with advertising, ensuring the complete absence of the latter.

- The possibility of rapid downloading content. If you want to save your favorite songs on your computer, you do not need to download additional applications. Just click on the corresponding icon and the download process will start soon!

- Two modes of play songs in random order or in list. If you find your favorite artist on our website and want to listen to his albums, you can enjoy his creativity in one of the available modes.

- Nice design./ Stylish design of the site. If you use the suggested link and visit our website, you will be able to appreciate its modern design, which is sure you will like. If necessary, you can share your search results with your friends using the social buttons.

- Absence of registration. You can immediately start choosing music using the convenient search bar to enjoy your favorite melody in a few moments.

On our service you will find a lot of interesting songs that will help you to temporarily abandon the pressing problems, allowing the music to take you into the wonderful world of sounds and popular hits. Are you planning a party at home or just want to listen to your favorite band? Our portal will help you to decide on a suitable genre and to spend time with the maximum pleasure and advantage!

2018-08-01 11:27:48

Tired of using questionable programs to listen to and download your favorite music? In this case, we present you our unique portal, where anyone can enjoy the latest hits in the selected genre absolutely free! You can get acquainted with the features of the music service right now by clicking on the link / to learn more about the proposed resource, use the link

Our advantages:

- Simple and convenient functionality./ Clear and simple interface. You won't find anything extra on the site. The portal has a built - in player for playing music online, as well as a few simple filters, with which you can quickly select songs for certain genres and categories.

- No advertising on the site. Many similar services have one major drawback - advertising banner. Many users are greatly inconvenienced by them./ Agree, it is not very convenient to repeatedly close pop-up ads. By choosing our music portal, you can enjoy high-quality tracks, because we have completely removed advertising on our website.

- Quickly download songs to your computer or smartphone. In case you want to download a song to your computer, you can do this operation directly, without the involvement of third-party applications. To download a track, click on the special icon that is located next to the song title.

- Two modes of play songs in random order or in list. If you find your favorite artist on our website and want to listen to his albums, you can enjoy his creativity in one of the available modes.

- Nice design./ Stylish design of the site. If you use the suggested link and visit our website, you will be able to appreciate its modern design, which is sure you will like. In addition, using the special buttons, you can share with your friends the selected songs.

- Absence of registration. You can immediately start choosing music using the convenient search bar to enjoy your favorite melody in a few moments.

We offer a huge number of songs of different genres and directions - here you are sure to find the music that will allow you to relax and immerse yourself in the world of enchanting sounds. Are you planning a party at home or just want to listen to your favorite band? We assure you that with our help you will be able to find everything you need to spend time with pleasure.

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